Griswold Railroad Prairie Nature Preserve


Open Daily: Sunrise to Sunset

0.5 miles south of Route 17 on 1700 East Rd in Section 11 in Sunbury Township in Livingston County, Dwight, IL; about 30 miles north of Fairbury, IL

Roadside Parking Only

 Trail Surface: 
No Specific Trails

 In The Prairie: 
Foot Traffic Only

No Bicycle Racks

Must be Leashed

More information can be found at IDNR Sunbury Railroad Prairie website 


12-acre State-of-Illinois designated nature preserve

Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) / Prairie Land Foundation stewardship collaboration

A remnant example of the Illinois Grand Prairie natural division, this tall-grass prairie habitat hosts a broad diversity of native plant species. Abandoned railroad right-of-ways constitute much what remains of the vast millions of acres of Illinois prairie grasslands. Transferred to the stewardship of the IDNR and sheltered by Prairie Lands Foundation, educational opportunity and stewardship activities are the focus of public access.